Organizations face a variety of complex issues when dealing with electronically stored information (ESI), as well as substantial costs in responding effectively to litigation-related or regulatory requests. Our “Early Data Assessment Protocol (EDAP)” allows counsel to search, organize and sample a collection of ESI early in a case, before the data set is fully processed. By effectively using our EDAP, counsel can lower the cost of eDiscovery and gain valuable information to help shape a litigation strategy and promote cooperation and proportionality in discovery. Chorus Consulting’s EDAP can facilitate budgeting by enabling counsel to quantify ESI that may be subject to discovery and therefore accurately project the cost of discovery before it occurs.
Litigants must preserve potentially relevant ESI when they can “reasonably anticipate litigation.” With insights from the EDAP process the legal team can identify where relevant ESI resides and then take immediate steps to ensure appropriate preservation. Chorus Consulting has deep experience and expertise helping clients preserve and collect potentially relevant materials utilizing a legally defensible methodology.
At Chorus Consulting, we develop customized Electronically Stored Information (ESI) processing and production plans, which incorporate the clients’ requirements complying with procedural and conventional standards. Processing typically includes a combination of the following features/services:
Chorus Consulting works directly with our clients to learn about their matter and tailor a workflow that provides overall efficiencies in the review process. We collaborate with legal counsel to cull down data while designing review workflows – often reducing data sets by up to 50%. Although we are flexible as to which document review platform a client prefers, Chorus Consulting can provide our clients a cost effective, highly secure review platform with the following features:
FRCP Rule 26(f) sets an expectation that the method and format by which ESI is to be produced should be considered and negotiated by the parties early in the discovery process. And, Rule 34(b) provides that a requesting party may specify the form or forms of production. Whether the production format is “native file” or images with searchable text, Chorus Consulting can produce ESI as required.